An enormous stretch of opportunity

  • Ambition: Provide pre-seed and seed stage funding to propel the future of industrial tech

  • Opportunity: Identify companies pioneering digital transformation to rebuild America’s innovation edge in manufacturing, infrastructure, construction, supply chain and logistics

Iron Prairie Ventures invests in the technologies poised to foster innovation, drive progress and shape the future of these industries. Headquartered in America’s Heartland, the fund leverages unique lines of sight to transformative resources, first-to-market solutions and technological catalysts aiding innovative startups in their pursuit of disrupting markets and elevating competition on a global scale.

Our Team

Maggie Kenefake
Maggie KenefakeFounding Partner
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Tracy Christian
Tracy ChristianChief Financial Officer
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Our Advisors

Libby Allman
Libby AllmanVP, Logistics for Americas, TVH
Dustin Burns
Dustin BurnsVP Technology and Innovation, McCownGordon
Alex Donnelly
Alex DonnellyCOO America, C2FO
Steve Edwards
Steve EdwardsChairman/CEO Emeritus, Black & Veatch
Kevin Lockett
Kevin LockettPartner, Fulcrum Global Capital
Stuart Ludlow
Stuart LudlowExited RFP360 (Responsive); Co-Founder, VeloVisa
Rebecca Mackinnon
Rebecca MackinnonExited Beyond Now Technologies (Cerner); Angel Investor
Pat McKinzie
Pat McKinzie25+ Year Manufacturing Owner/Operator
Eric Miller
Eric MillerVice President, Investments, 1248 Holdings
Ginger Rothrock
Ginger RothrockSenior Director, HG Ventures
Toby Rush
Toby RushSerial Entrepreneur & CEO

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